Getting a dementia diagnosis is one of the moment you hope never to experience. Although usually by the time you get to the doctor’s, you pretty much know as there are signs of Alzheimer’s Disease and signs of dementia along the way. Families need to know the diffences between vascular dementia, lewy body dementia, frontal lobe dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Dementia coach Kerry Mills talks us through the differences and types of dementia and how we can help dementia patients. There is not much in terms of helpful Alzheimer’s treatment. Kerry helps families manage the symptoms so that both the caregiver and care receiver can maintain a quality of life. We would like to see an end to alzheimer’s disease and dementia but until then we should educate ourselves as much as possible. Kerry is an Alzheimer’s Care Strategist and Dementia Coach at the Brain Health and Research Institute in Seattle.